9923170071 / 8108094992 info@dimensionless.in

Data Science can take you places!

Get placed in top companies.

Course Highlight

Instructor-led in-depth (170 hrs) LIVE hands-on sessions

Highly interactive sessions with 2 way speech and text

Multiple Domains Specific Projects and Discussions

Pay only INR 5000 initially and rest after experiencing 2 weeks of LIVE lectures

Small batches of 15-20 students to focus more on

1 on 1 discussion

Assistance in Resume building and placement


Batch Starting Date
 21st April 2020

  Saturday, Sunday  – 3 hours LIVE
Tuesday, Thursday – 1 hour LIVE

 21st April 2020

  Saturday, Sunday  – 3 hours LIVE
Tuesday, Thursday – 1 hour LIVE


HIMANSHU (IIT, Bombay – 10+ years experience in Data Science)

A machine-learning practitioner, fascinated by the numerous application of Artificial Intelligence in the day to day life.

I enjoy applying my quantitative skills to new large-scale, data-intensive problems.I am an avid learner keen to be the frontrunner in the field of AI. I enjoy learning new technologies at work and strive hard to acquire finesse in skills that I have honed over my career.

      1.  Trained 500+ participants in R, Machine Learning, Tableau and Python, Big Data Analytics and Deep Learning at Dimensionless
      2. Conducted workshops and training on Data Analytics for Corporate and Colleges

He possesses knowledge of a wide variety of machine learning and deep learning algorithms.

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Kushagra, an IIT Delhi alumnus,has keen interest in Problem Solving, Deriving insights from Data and Improving the efficiency of processes with new age technologies. Over 8 years experience in Analytics and Data Science.

He’s good with statistical concepts and possess thorough business understanding along with practical experience in linear models (like Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Ridge Regression, Lasso Regression), Tree based algorithms (like Decision trees, Bagging, Random Forest, GBM, XGBoost), clustering (like K-Means, Hierarchical),Time-series analysis (like ARMA, ARIMA, stationarity),

Deep learning(CN, RNN), NLP Techniques(TFIDF, LDA, Topic Modelling)

Trained 500+ participants in R, Machine Learning, Tableau and Python, Big Data Analytics at Dimensionless

Conducted workshops and training on Data Analytics for Corporate and Colleges

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Data Science Demo Class

Every Wed & Sun @ 9 pm
Duration – 1:30 hrs


It was a ‘from zero to hero’ journey for me at dimensionless. Course content is quite good, which I believe rarely you will find anywhere. When I joined dimensionless, I had no idea about data science and machine learning and at the end of course I am a KAGGLER. Himanshu and Kushagra sir are most dedicated trainers I have ever met. It is worth joining dimensionless.

Alok Kumar Singh

Dimensionless training is one of the best of its fields for Data Science. It gave me a deeper insight of the Machine Learning, starting from very basic (Descriptive Stats) to creating an expertise in the Machine Learning this training covers it all. One of the best features was the time flexibility and the transparency where we could reach out the trainer at any point of time to clear the doubts or discuss topics

Surajit Kundu

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